Stephanie Firestone

Senior Strategic Policy Advisor
Stephanie Firestone is a global thought leader advancing livable communities for all people of all ages and abilities. She is a Senior Strategic Policy Advisor with AARP International, where she leads global initiatives to advance the planning, design and development of enabling & equitable housing and multigenerational communities. Stephanie leads the Equity by Design initiative, which engages built environment professionals from around the world to incorporate aging and equity considerations in their work and explores replicable innovations through the Principles in Action case study and innovator interview series. Stephanie has worked internationally on sustainability issues and holds a Masters of Urban & Environmental Planning. Mitgliederverzeichnis  Arrow

Biographie: Stephanie Firestone is a global thought leader advancing livable communities for all people of all ages and abilities. She is a Senior Strategic Policy Advisor with AARP International, where she leads global initiatives to advance the planning, design and development of enabling & equitable housing and multigenerational communities. Stephanie leads the Equity by Design initiative, which engages built environment professionals from around the world to incorporate aging and equity considerations in their work and explores replicable innovations through the Principles in Action case study and innovator interview series. Stephanie has worked internationally on sustainability issues and holds a Masters of Urban & Environmental Planning.

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