Eric Manuel

ARCH Capital Management Co Ltd
With over 15 years of experience in real estate advisory, development, investment, and asset management, spanning both commercial and residential sectors, Eric Manuel joined ARCH Capital in 2018. He leads investment and asset management activities in the Philippines. Previously, Eric was Vice President and Head of Real Estate for Primeiro Partners, an investment bank providing strategic and capital advisory services to several real estate developers and financial institutions. He was also Vice President for Daiichi Properties, an award-winning developer in the Philippines. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Binghamton University and a Master’s Degree from the London School of Economics. Mitgliederverzeichnis  Arrow

Biographie: With over 15 years of experience in real estate advisory, development, investment, and asset management, spanning both commercial and residential sectors, Eric Manuel joined ARCH Capital in 2018. He leads investment and asset management activities in the Philippines. Previously, Eric was Vice President and Head of Real Estate for Primeiro Partners, an investment bank providing strategic and capital advisory services to several real estate developers and financial institutions. He was also Vice President for Daiichi Properties, an award-winning developer in the Philippines. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Binghamton University and a Master’s Degree from the London School of Economics.

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