Jay Orfield

Director - Buildings and Energy, American Cities Climate Challenge
Natural Resources Defense Council
Jay Orfield directs strategy and policy and program development to advance energy efficiency, renewable energy, and building decarbonization across all twenty-five cities in the American Cities Climate Challenge. He is a licensed civil engineer and has experience in infrastructure and real estate development that spans planning, design, construction, and financing. Orfield holds an M.B.A. from Columbia University and a bachelor's degree from the University of Florida. He is based in Asheville, North Carolina. Mitgliederverzeichnis  Arrow

Biographie: Jay Orfield directs strategy and policy and program development to advance energy efficiency, renewable energy, and building decarbonization across all twenty-five cities in the American Cities Climate Challenge. He is a licensed civil engineer and has experience in infrastructure and real estate development that spans planning, design, construction, and financing. Orfield holds an M.B.A. from Columbia University and a bachelor's degree from the University of Florida. He is based in Asheville, North Carolina.

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