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Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Global Outlook 2024
Zusammenfassung des Berichts: : The Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Global Outlook report by the Urban Land Institute and PwC, examines the global challenges and opportunities facing real estate and analyses the developing impacts on regions and sectors around the world.
There is some hope among the industry that buyers and sellers of properties are starting to accept a higher-for-longer interest rate environment and will therefore find the middle ground on pricing that has been so elusive over the past two years.
Despite the monetary headwinds and continued economic uncertainty around the world, there is a widespread view that inflation is moderating and interest rates may have peaked, and greater clarity on monetary policy since the turn of the year has brought a measure of relief. However, industry leaders across all three regions acknowledge that the geopolitical backdrop to investment is fraught with uncertainty (particularly in this year of elections) and may yet override the more stable monetary situation.
This report also explores how the real estate sector is undergoing a “great reset”, which goes beyond the industry adapting to the new era of higher-for-longer interest rates. It is the opportunity for a radical re-think of what will make real estate fit for purpose in the long term.
Zusammenfassung des Berichts: The Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Global Outlook report by the Urban Land Institute and PwC, examines the global challenges and opportunities facing real estate and analyses the developing impacts on regions and sectors around the world.
There is some hope among the industry that buyers and sellers of properties are starting to accept a higher-for-longer interest rate environment and will therefore find the middle ground on pricing that has been so elusive over the past two years.
Despite the monetary headwinds and continued economic uncertainty around the world, there is a widespread view that inflation is moderating and interest rates may have peaked, and greater clarity on monetary policy since the turn of the year has brought a measure of relief. However, industry leaders across all three regions acknowledge that the geopolitical backdrop to investment is fraught with uncertainty (particularly in this year of elections) and may yet override the more stable monetary situation.
This report also explores how the real estate sector is undergoing a “great reset”, which goes beyond the industry adapting to the new era of higher-for-longer interest rates. It is the opportunity for a radical re-think of what will make real estate fit for purpose in the long term.
Über Aufkommende Trends in Real Estate®
Aufkommende Trends in Real Estate® ist einer der angesehensten jährlichen Branchenausblicke für die Immobilien- und Landnutzungsbranche, der gemeinsam von PwC und dem Stadt-Land-Institut veröffentlicht wird. Unter Einbeziehung von Interviews und Umfragen mit mehreren hundert Branchenexperten bietet der Bericht einen detaillierten Ausblick nach Regionen auf Immobilieninvestitionen, Entwicklungstrends und Kapitalmärkte. Der Bericht wird in vier Versionen erstellt: Amerika, Asien-Pazifik, Europa und Global. Alle Aufkommende Trends in Real Estate® Berichte, die seit 2003 veröffentlicht wurden, sind im Knowledge Finder verfügbar.
Aufkommende Trends in Real Estate® wird gemeinsam von der Stadt-Land-Institut und PwC gesponsert. Seit 2003 erstellen die Stadt-Land-Institut und PwC gemeinsam einen der umfassendsten Branchenreports zum Thema Immobilien und Landnutzung. PwC ist ein globales Netzwerk von Unternehmen in 158 Ländern mit mehr als 236.000 Mitarbeitern, die sich der Qualität von Prüfungs-, Beratungs- und Steuerdienstleistungen verschrieben haben. Mehr über PwC erfahren Sie unter pwc.com.