First Baptist Cover Image
Zusammenfassung des Berichts:
The Property is the largest contiguous area in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Established in 1907, prior to the incorporation of the City of Fort Lauderdale, FBFTL is deeply rooted in its community and has positively provided a myriad of services for nearly 115 years, including large community events and a successful mission program. Further, FBFTL is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, which is a collaboration of more than 40,000 other Baptist churches. In light of the increased density and development of the real estate surrounding its property, FBFTL contacted ULI to further understand its opportunities for growth and impact, with the vision that it will continue to be a movement of hope for the City of Fort Lauderdale and beyond.

Zusammenfassung des Berichts: The Property is the largest contiguous area in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Established in 1907, prior to the incorporation of the City of Fort Lauderdale, FBFTL is deeply rooted in its community and has positively provided a myriad of services for nearly 115 years, including large community events and a successful mission program. Further, FBFTL is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, which is a collaboration of more than 40,000 other Baptist churches. In light of the increased density and development of the real estate surrounding its property, FBFTL contacted ULI to further understand its opportunities for growth and impact, with the vision that it will continue to be a movement of hope for the City of Fort Lauderdale and beyond.


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ULI Südost Florida/Karibik