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Improving the Cuyahoga River Infrastructure: Bulkhead Management Practices
Cleveland, OH
Zusammenfassung des Berichts:
Zusammenfassung des Berichts: The Urban Land Institute Cleveland hosted a technical assistance panel on November 3-4 2021, which focused on bulkhead management practices. The panel worked to understand what bulkhead management practices can be adopted to remove barriers to private development, encourage beneficial enhancements to privately-owned riverfront properties, and enhance public access and utilization of the riverfront, while continuing to effectively service the industry in the valley. This panel was held in partnership with the City of Cleveland, Cleveland Metroparks, Port of Cleveland, and Flats Forward, a non-profit organization serving portions of the study area.
ULI BC: Building the Business Case for Net Zero: Insights from the Canada Green Building Council (CAGBC)
Hosted an in-depth exploration on decarbonizing Canada's large buildings and making the case for building to zero carbon, as revealed through the latest findings from CAGBC.
Obdachlos zu Wohnen Jahresbericht
Der 2023-2024 ULI Jahresbericht "Homeless to Housed: Erkundung von Immobilienlösungen" beleuchtet die in der ersten Phase der ULI-Initiative "Homeless to Housed" (H2H) geleistete Arbeit. Dieser Bericht untersucht die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse, die H2H...
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