Global 1:25:06

As the United States prepares to make the largest infrastructure investment in a generation, an opportunity exists for ULI members and key partners to identify and promote more equitable and resilient infrastructure investments that create both long-term real estate and community value. Lessons can be learned from global infrastructure investment approaches.

This includes the need to invest in public transportation since increasing access to jobs, economic opportunities, social interactions, and mobility is essential. Public transportation provides the regional framework for compact, people-centric urban development, enables significant real estate and value creation opportunities, and mitigates climate change. Public transportation should be reliable, frequent, and accessible.

Guided by the Curtis Infrastructure Initiative’s Prioritizing Effective Infrastructure-Led Development: A ULI Infrastructure Framework, the Infrastructure and Land Use Exchange is a regularly scheduled series of meetings to facilitate conversations and dialogues between ULI members, District Council staff, other global experts, and HQ staff. This is intended to help promote the most innovative and/or effective best practices for infrastructure investment.

Webinar-Zusammenfassung: As the United States prepares to make the largest infrastructure investment in a generation, an opportunity exists for ULI members and key partners to identify and promote more equitable and resilient infrastructure investments that create both long-term real estate and community value. Lessons can be learned from global infrastructure investment approaches.

This includes the need to invest in public transportation since increasing access to jobs, economic opportunities, social interactions, and mobility is essential. Public transportation provides the regional framework for compact, people-centric urban development, enables significant real estate and value creation opportunities, and mitigates climate change. Public transportation should be reliable, frequent, and accessible.

Guided by the Curtis Infrastructure Initiative’s Prioritizing Effective Infrastructure-Led Development: A ULI Infrastructure Framework, the Infrastructure and Land Use Exchange is a regularly scheduled series of meetings to facilitate conversations and dialogues between ULI members, District Council staff, other global experts, and HQ staff. This is intended to help promote the most innovative and/or effective best practices for infrastructure investment.


Broadband ULI Infrastructure and Land Use Exchange

Der Austausch über Infrastruktur und Landnutzung im Dezember konzentrierte sich auf die Notwendigkeit, alle Menschen an ein erschwingliches und hochwertiges Internet anzuschließen. In der heutigen digitalisierten Welt ist die Verfügbarkeit von Hochge...

Wiederherstellende Entwicklung: Austausch von Infrastruktur und Landnutzung

Auf der Grundlage der ULI-Publikation Curtis Infrastruktur-Initiative’s Prioritizing Effective Infrastructure-Led Development ist die Infrastructure and Land Use Exchange ein regelmäßig stattfindendes Forum zur Förderung der innovativsten und/oder ef...

Together: Strategies for Promoting Health and Community in Privately Owned Third Places

Privately owned third places play an essential role in fostering inclusive, healthy, and thriving communities and in shaping people's everyday lives. From restaurants and coffee shops, to malls and individual shops, and everything in between, private...
Zentren und Initiativen
Curtis Infrastructure Initiative