ULI BC freute sich, Debbie Johansen zu einem Kaffee und einem Gespräch begrüßen zu können! Das Thema lautet “Die Bauindustrie im Jahr 2022 und darüber hinaus mit Debbie Johansen, Direktorin für Bauwesen bei Ledcor.” Danach folgt eine Frage- und Antwortrunde.

Webinar-Zusammenfassung: ULI BC freute sich, Debbie Johansen zu einem Kaffee und einem Gespräch begrüßen zu können! Das Thema lautet “Die Bauindustrie im Jahr 2022 und darüber hinaus mit Debbie Johansen, Direktorin für Bauwesen bei Ledcor.” Danach folgt eine Frage- und Antwortrunde.


Pumping Up Sustainability: Myth-Busting Heat Pumps in Commercial Real Estate

Heat pumps have a critical role to play as the real estate industry undertakes holistic energy-efficiency improvements on its journey to net zero. Many myths surround heat pumps and this report seeks to convey up-to-date information about electric he...

The Materials Movement: Creating Value with Better Building Materials

In the realm of construction, every single component matters – from the concrete foundations to the final brush of paint. It’s not just about structural integrity, but also about the profound influence these materials have on human well-being, our cl...

What's Old Is New Again: Promoting a Circular Economy through the Development Industry

One of the greatest challenges of our time: every new building emits greenhouse gases, and the city of Toronto needs to build housing for 3 million new residents by the same year it becomes net zero. Worldwide, the only solution to building more and ...