Amerika 0:55:47
Real estate development has the potential to shape the built environment in ways that foster more equitable community outcomes. However, developers, investors, and other practitioners are often not sure what this looks like in their work or how to get started. Since 2020, members’ interest in social and racial equity has continued to grow and become more urgent, and they have looked to ULI for guidance on how to translate this interest into action. ULI has developed a suite of resources, including the new report 10 Principles for Embedding Racial Equity in Real Estate Development, that are hosted in the ULI Social Equity Resource Hub. In this webinar, hear from real estate professionals who have made racial equity central to their real estate practice and gain insights for working toward racial equity.

Webinar-Zusammenfassung: Real estate development has the potential to shape the built environment in ways that foster more equitable community outcomes. However, developers, investors, and other practitioners are often not sure what this looks like in their work or how to get started. Since 2020, members’ interest in social and racial equity has continued to grow and become more urgent, and they have looked to ULI for guidance on how to translate this interest into action. ULI has developed a suite of resources, including the new report 10 Principles for Embedding Racial Equity in Real Estate Development, that are hosted in the ULI Social Equity Resource Hub. In this webinar, hear from real estate professionals who have made racial equity central to their real estate practice and gain insights for working toward racial equity.


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Diese Podiumsdiskussion wird einen Einblick geben, wie der Bericht "10 Principles for Embedding Racial Equity in Real Estate Development" Immobilienfachleuten dabei helfen wird, die finanziellen und sozialen Vorteile der Gleichberechtigung für alle S...

10 Grundsätze für die Verankerung von Chancengleichheit in der Immobilienentwicklung

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ULI Racial Equity Terms for Real Estate Leaders

Explore the power and role of language in shaping racial equity with ULI's interactive glossary. Engage with critical terms, brought to life with illustrations and examples, to advance antiracism within your real estate practice.
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