Amerika 0:59:19

The business case for a net zero carbon real estate industry is clearer than ever. Rising stakeholder pressure to decarbonize, alongside the scale of business opportunity, has ensured that the companies who lead that effort will see the highest value creation. However, will the buildings and energy systems decarbonizing the industry reinforce inequity, or disrupt it? Will low-income communities and communities of color be left behind with inefficient buildings, polluted air, and increasingly expensive gas appliances, or will they reap the benefits of the net zero transformation and its manifold new technologies and wealth-building opportunities?

Real estate has an enormous role to play in dismantling existing inequities in our industry that hold us back from full decarbonization, and luckily, prioritizing social and racial equity within decarbonization helps realize better ESG and real estate outcomes for all. Watch this recording to hear leaders in the field talk about their efforts to decarbonize equitably, drawing from ULI Greenprint’s recent report, Net Zero for All: A Just Transition for Real Estate.

Webinar-Zusammenfassung: The business case for a net zero carbon real estate industry is clearer than ever. Rising stakeholder pressure to decarbonize, alongside the scale of business opportunity, has ensured that the companies who lead that effort will see the highest value creation. However, will the buildings and energy systems decarbonizing the industry reinforce inequity, or disrupt it? Will low-income communities and communities of color be left behind with inefficient buildings, polluted air, and increasingly expensive gas appliances, or will they reap the benefits of the net zero transformation and its manifold new technologies and wealth-building opportunities?

Real estate has an enormous role to play in dismantling existing inequities in our industry that hold us back from full decarbonization, and luckily, prioritizing social and racial equity within decarbonization helps realize better ESG and real estate outcomes for all. Watch this recording to hear leaders in the field talk about their efforts to decarbonize equitably, drawing from ULI Greenprint’s recent report, Net Zero for All: A Just Transition for Real Estate.


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