Global 1:25:21
How can you combine energy grid, renewable energy, carbon removal and waste management (such as automated waste collection system) in one district? How can you leverage nature based solutions (NBS) to improve conditions for energy infrastructure, integrate eco-district with energy-district? Join the ULI Curtis Infrastructure Initiative and global leaders in infrastructure and development to explore innovative ways to deliver holistic infrastructure in transit-oriented 15 minute communities. Learn about how public sector, private sector, and not-for-profit sector leaders can integrate siloed infrastructure into an integrated system that promotes multiple functions and improves planning coordination.

Webinar-Zusammenfassung: How can you combine energy grid, renewable energy, carbon removal and waste management (such as automated waste collection system) in one district? How can you leverage nature based solutions (NBS) to improve conditions for energy infrastructure, integrate eco-district with energy-district? Join the ULI Curtis Infrastructure Initiative and global leaders in infrastructure and development to explore innovative ways to deliver holistic infrastructure in transit-oriented 15 minute communities. Learn about how public sector, private sector, and not-for-profit sector leaders can integrate siloed infrastructure into an integrated system that promotes multiple functions and improves planning coordination.


ULI Infrastructure Forum at 2023 Spring Meeting

The Infrastructure Forum brings together global leaders across multiple sectors to examine the most pressing infrastructure, land use, and real estate decisions of the 21st century.

Building 15-Minute Communities: A Leadership Guide

Building 15-Minute Communities: A Leadership Guide shares promising insights and strategies for leveraging infrastructure investment and real estate development to create walkable, transit-oriented, sustainable, complete communities.

Infrastruktur-Austausch: Natur in der Stadt - Wie kann eine Umweltinfrastruktur geschaffen werden, die öffentlichen Raum, Hochwasserschutz und die Modernisierung von Versorgungseinrichtungen in einem einzigen Projekt vereint?

Erfahren Sie von Experten aus aller Welt, wie man die Natur in die Stadt zurückbringen kann, indem man Parks, grüne Straßen, Hochwasserschutz/Regenwassermanagement, Versorgungseinrichtungen und Umweltsanierung in einem einzigen Projekt vereint.
Zentren und Initiativen
Curtis Infrastructure Initiative