Adam Glaser

Director de diseño
Ayers Saint Gross, Inc.
Adam Glaser AIA, LEED AP Principal, Ayers Saint Gross An award-winning architect and urban designer, Adam Glaser has practiced design for more than 25 years. His work encompasses a wide range of projects with a particular focus on academic, research and innovation facilities. Adam believes that we live in a critical time when many of our society’s pressing challenges—global climate change, economic stagnation and social equity—are best addressed through the renewal and growth of our cities, particularly in America. To this end, he believes anchor institutions—universities, government agencies and large corporations—can and should play an active role in this process. Adam is currently developing new models for anchor-based innovation clusters that tap emerging businesses and research-focused hubs to support and retain recent graduates and entrepreneurs in urban neighborhoods. Adam’s past clients include the Pennsylvania State University; the University of California at Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; the University City Science Center affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University—along with major corporate innovation facilities for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Amgen Bio-Pharmaceuticals. Since 2000, Adam has led the design of more than $500 million of built construction with a special emphasis on high-performance building enclosures and prefabricated, modular construction. Educated at Rice University (B.Arts 1985 and B.Arch 1987) and Harvard Graduate School of Design (MAUD, with distinction, 1996), Adam is an avid teacher who has served as visiting professor of architecture at Washington University in St. Louis from 1996 to 2000 and as an Instructor at the University of Pennsylvania from 2004 to 2007. He frequently speaks at AIA, SCUP and AURP conferences, and has organized academic symposia on campus planning, Japanese architecture and globalism. Deeply committed to urban design, Adam has served as a resource person for the Mayor’s Institute on City Design – Midwest and currently sits on two of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority Advisory Boards focused on building design excellence and on the one-percent for art program, the first such panel in the United States. Since the mid-1990s, Adam’s designs have consistently won AIA design excellence awards along with other industry and land-use awards, and his work has been published in numerous journals, including Architectural Record and the ULI Journal. Adam is based in Philadelphia and Washington, DC.

Biografía: Adam Glaser AIA, LEED AP Principal, Ayers Saint Gross An award-winning architect and urban designer, Adam Glaser has practiced design for more than 25 years. His work encompasses a wide range of projects with a particular focus on academic, research and innovation facilities. Adam believes that we live in a critical time when many of our society’s pressing challenges—global climate change, economic stagnation and social equity—are best addressed through the renewal and growth of our cities, particularly in America. To this end, he believes anchor institutions—universities, government agencies and large corporations—can and should play an active role in this process. Adam is currently developing new models for anchor-based innovation clusters that tap emerging businesses and research-focused hubs to support and retain recent graduates and entrepreneurs in urban neighborhoods. Adam’s past clients include the Pennsylvania State University; the University of California at Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; the University City Science Center affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University—along with major corporate innovation facilities for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Amgen Bio-Pharmaceuticals. Since 2000, Adam has led the design of more than $500 million of built construction with a special emphasis on high-performance building enclosures and prefabricated, modular construction. Educated at Rice University (B.Arts 1985 and B.Arch 1987) and Harvard Graduate School of Design (MAUD, with distinction, 1996), Adam is an avid teacher who has served as visiting professor of architecture at Washington University in St. Louis from 1996 to 2000 and as an Instructor at the University of Pennsylvania from 2004 to 2007. He frequently speaks at AIA, SCUP and AURP conferences, and has organized academic symposia on campus planning, Japanese architecture and globalism. Deeply committed to urban design, Adam has served as a resource person for the Mayor’s Institute on City Design – Midwest and currently sits on two of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority Advisory Boards focused on building design excellence and on the one-percent for art program, the first such panel in the United States. Since the mid-1990s, Adam’s designs have consistently won AIA design excellence awards along with other industry and land-use awards, and his work has been published in numerous journals, including Architectural Record and the ULI Journal. Adam is based in Philadelphia and Washington, DC.


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