E. Eddie Henson

Henson-Williams Realty, Inc.
E. Eddie Henson Henson is president of Henson-Williams Realty. Founded in 1987, the firm specializes in the development of urban properties and resort communities and provides asset management services to major public corporations on a national basis. Previously, he was the president of Williams Realty Corporation, where he directed the development and management of the company+s real estate portfolio for over 17 years. Before joining Williams Realty, Henson was vice president of Helmerich & Payne, Inc., for which he directed the redevelopment of a shopping center and the development of office buildings, warehouses, and office parks. Henson is an active member of the Urban Land Institute. Currently, he serves as a ULI trustee and chairman of the Awards Committee. He is a past chairman of the ULI Research Committee and the Urban Development/Mixed-Use Council. He is a member of the American Society of Real Estate Counselors and the International Council of Shopping Centers, where he served as chairman of ICSC+s certification program. He received a degree in mechanical engineering from Texas Tech University and an M.B.A. degree from Harvard Business School. (8/97) Directorio de miembros  Arrow

Biografía: E. Eddie Henson Henson is president of Henson-Williams Realty. Founded in 1987, the firm specializes in the development of urban properties and resort communities and provides asset management services to major public corporations on a national basis. Previously, he was the president of Williams Realty Corporation, where he directed the development and management of the company+s real estate portfolio for over 17 years. Before joining Williams Realty, Henson was vice president of Helmerich & Payne, Inc., for which he directed the redevelopment of a shopping center and the development of office buildings, warehouses, and office parks. Henson is an active member of the Urban Land Institute. Currently, he serves as a ULI trustee and chairman of the Awards Committee. He is a past chairman of the ULI Research Committee and the Urban Development/Mixed-Use Council. He is a member of the American Society of Real Estate Counselors and the International Council of Shopping Centers, where he served as chairman of ICSC+s certification program. He received a degree in mechanical engineering from Texas Tech University and an M.B.A. degree from Harvard Business School. (8/97)

Directorio de miembros  Arrow

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