Nitasha Rajora

Real Estate Development Consultant & Owner's Rep with over 20 years of experience working in senior positions for Investors, Developers, Contractors and Government Agencies. I’ve worked on projects from $25m to $200m in size with responsibilities spanning over the full cycle of value creation, from acquisition, through entitlement and construction. International Experience: Spanning New York, Boston, Atlanta, London (UK), Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, South Africa Project Experience: Multifamily Residential, Commercial, Retail, Industrial, Sports Facilities & Recreation Centres, Renovation & Adaptive Re-Use ULI Advisory Panel Member for Morgan City, Louisiana (2017) and Raleigh, North Carolina (2019) Directorio de miembros  Arrow

Biografía: Real Estate Development Consultant & Owner's Rep with over 20 years of experience working in senior positions for Investors, Developers, Contractors and Government Agencies. I’ve worked on projects from $25m to $200m in size with responsibilities spanning over the full cycle of value creation, from acquisition, through entitlement and construction. International Experience: Spanning New York, Boston, Atlanta, London (UK), Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, South Africa Project Experience: Multifamily Residential, Commercial, Retail, Industrial, Sports Facilities & Recreation Centres, Renovation & Adaptive Re-Use ULI Advisory Panel Member for Morgan City, Louisiana (2017) and Raleigh, North Carolina (2019)

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