Richard Seline

Richard Seline has a forty-year commitment to connecting private, philanthropic, public sectors to benefit transformational projects and programs at the international, national, and regional levels across residential, commercial, industrial, and government facilities, infrastructure, and operations. Through his focus on pre-disaster risk mitigation, the Resilience Innovation Hub and the ROAR ("Resilience Opportunity Advisors + Resources") Partnership are changing the dialogue AND transactional outcomes for a new citizen, community, and corporate model - Community Disaster Resilience Zones. At the intersection of innovative technology, equipment, data science, and alternative resources, the Innovation Hub and ROAR have formed the Collaboratory Network of Innovators in Residence, Executive Mentors, Peer Institutions and Organizations, the Data Exchange, and the Resilient Citizens Corp Initiative. With over $4 trillion in losses of life, property, assets, economic and community capacity due to myriad perils and disasters, $2.3 trillion in just the past 5-7 years, Richard's mission is to create a new designation - "Future Proofing America" - as a standard for the built environment and unique delivery of impacting 800+ census tracks defined as Most At Risk/Most In Need. More information on these endeavors and opportunities for collaboration, co-investment, and project implementation can be found via: Directorio de miembros  Arrow

Biografía: Richard Seline has a forty-year commitment to connecting private, philanthropic, public sectors to benefit transformational projects and programs at the international, national, and regional levels across residential, commercial, industrial, and government facilities, infrastructure, and operations. Through his focus on pre-disaster risk mitigation, the Resilience Innovation Hub and the ROAR ("Resilience Opportunity Advisors + Resources") Partnership are changing the dialogue AND transactional outcomes for a new citizen, community, and corporate model - Community Disaster Resilience Zones. At the intersection of innovative technology, equipment, data science, and alternative resources, the Innovation Hub and ROAR have formed the Collaboratory Network of Innovators in Residence, Executive Mentors, Peer Institutions and Organizations, the Data Exchange, and the Resilient Citizens Corp Initiative. With over $4 trillion in losses of life, property, assets, economic and community capacity due to myriad perils and disasters, $2.3 trillion in just the past 5-7 years, Richard's mission is to create a new designation - "Future Proofing America" - as a standard for the built environment and unique delivery of impacting 800+ census tracks defined as Most At Risk/Most In Need. More information on these endeavors and opportunities for collaboration, co-investment, and project implementation can be found via:

Directorio de miembros  Arrow

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