Haley Trainor (Rucker)

Haley Trainor is responsible for portfolio management and investor relations/new product development at Longfellow Real Estate Partners. Prior to Longfellow, Haley spent 6 years at the Teachers Retirement System of Texas investing globally in real estate on behalf of the Trust. Her last 2 years at Texas Teachers were spent in London, focused on the European markets. Directorio de miembros  Arrow

Biografía: Haley Trainor is responsible for portfolio management and investor relations/new product development at Longfellow Real Estate Partners. Prior to Longfellow, Haley spent 6 years at the Teachers Retirement System of Texas investing globally in real estate on behalf of the Trust. Her last 2 years at Texas Teachers were spent in London, focused on the European markets.

Directorio de miembros  Arrow

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