Chris Waggett

Chris has 38 years’ experience working in the UK, Continental Europe, Australia, and the USA, in both Development and Funds Management, with sector experience in industrial, business-park, CBD office, apartment, condo, single family and master planned community development, as well as operational experience within the age-restricted/senior living sector. Chris leads D4's development activities in Denver and also its sister-company, CFPM, property-asset business including marketing-leasing of the Denver Design District. The company's focus is the ~70 acre Broadway Park redevelopment transitioning auto-dependent retail/commercial uses into a TOD-urban redevelopment. To date the company has undertaken/completed infrastructure P3's, multifamily, auto dealership, and other horizontal infrastructure (ROW, parks, enhanced streetscapes). The company has apartment site sales-JV's and office/hotel JV projects in prospect heading into 2023. Directorio de miembros  Arrow

Biografía: Chris has 38 years’ experience working in the UK, Continental Europe, Australia, and the USA, in both Development and Funds Management, with sector experience in industrial, business-park, CBD office, apartment, condo, single family and master planned community development, as well as operational experience within the age-restricted/senior living sector. Chris leads D4's development activities in Denver and also its sister-company, CFPM, property-asset business including marketing-leasing of the Denver Design District. The company's focus is the ~70 acre Broadway Park redevelopment transitioning auto-dependent retail/commercial uses into a TOD-urban redevelopment. To date the company has undertaken/completed infrastructure P3's, multifamily, auto dealership, and other horizontal infrastructure (ROW, parks, enhanced streetscapes). The company has apartment site sales-JV's and office/hotel JV projects in prospect heading into 2023.

Directorio de miembros  Arrow

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