Kraig Walsleben

Rodgers Consulting
I joined Rodgers Consulting Inc. (RCI) in 1989. Through my tenure at RCI I have worked as a Planner, Surveyor, Natural Resource Specialist, Team Leader and Project Manager. Assigned as the leader of an Engineering Team in 2000, I have directed the planning and engineering effort of multiple award winning mixed use developments in the Washington Metro area, creating thousands of residential lots and millions of square feet of employment space. And since 2013, these projects have conformed to the strict new Environmental Site Design (ESD) regulations for Storm Water Management in Maryland. As a project manager, I continue to utilize my broad industry knowledge to guide my clients’ projects through the challenging engineering and regulatory environment. I has been a member of multiple citizen and professional advisory boards including being a founding member of the Water Quality Advisory Group for Montgomery County, Maryland which helped guide the County in its adoption of the State mandated ESD guidelines, and most recently was a panel member on the ULI advisory Panel for resilience for the industrial port area of Seattle. I am licensed Landscape Architect in the State of Maryland, I have undergraduate degrees in Fish and Wildlife Management and Landscape Architecture as well as a Master’s degree in Planning from the University of Virginia. Directorio de miembros  Arrow

Biografía: I joined Rodgers Consulting Inc. (RCI) in 1989. Through my tenure at RCI I have worked as a Planner, Surveyor, Natural Resource Specialist, Team Leader and Project Manager. Assigned as the leader of an Engineering Team in 2000, I have directed the planning and engineering effort of multiple award winning mixed use developments in the Washington Metro area, creating thousands of residential lots and millions of square feet of employment space. And since 2013, these projects have conformed to the strict new Environmental Site Design (ESD) regulations for Storm Water Management in Maryland. As a project manager, I continue to utilize my broad industry knowledge to guide my clients’ projects through the challenging engineering and regulatory environment. I has been a member of multiple citizen and professional advisory boards including being a founding member of the Water Quality Advisory Group for Montgomery County, Maryland which helped guide the County in its adoption of the State mandated ESD guidelines, and most recently was a panel member on the ULI advisory Panel for resilience for the industrial port area of Seattle. I am licensed Landscape Architect in the State of Maryland, I have undergraduate degrees in Fish and Wildlife Management and Landscape Architecture as well as a Master’s degree in Planning from the University of Virginia.

Directorio de miembros  Arrow

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