Américas 0:58:24
Resumen del seminario web:
A flourishing of Black history study and discovery in Ontario is revealing deep and systematic challenges that have impacted generations of Black communities in Toronto and across southern Ontario. From this understanding is emerging a broad spectrum of approaches and innovations in city building driven by Black professionals in the professional real estate and development community. Join ULI Toronto for an investigation of the powerful historic forces that are confronting legacy challenges and fueling the modern frontiers of city building.

Resumen del seminario web: A flourishing of Black history study and discovery in Ontario is revealing deep and systematic challenges that have impacted generations of Black communities in Toronto and across southern Ontario. From this understanding is emerging a broad spectrum of approaches and innovations in city building driven by Black professionals in the professional real estate and development community. Join ULI Toronto for an investigation of the powerful historic forces that are confronting legacy challenges and fueling the modern frontiers of city building.


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ULI Toronto