Mountain View, California, アメリカ アメリカ
Lifemoves Mountain View Cover Image

LifeMoves Mountain View is a Project Homekey supportive interim housing community that offers a private unit for each household (a family, a couple, or a single adult) experiencing homelessness–while providing intensive case management and support services designed to return people to stability. 100 units and ADA-compliant buildings serve approximately 124 people--10X the number of year-round shelter beds previously available in Mountain View. This housing community was designed using the team's LifeMoves | Mountain View model: a modular housing solution intended to be able to rapidly prototype, scale, and implement based on the housing needs of the local community.

Four different design/build firms manufactured four distinct building types for the site. The LifeMoves Mountain View project brought together a diverse mix of funding partners and construction partners to support the development and opening of a state-of-the-art modular housing community that is near public transit and integrated into the Mountain View community—providing a key asset in the transition from homelessness to housed for residents and the greater community. Interested in ULI's work on addressing homelessness? In 2022, the Terwilliger Center for Housing, with initial funding by philanthropist and entrepreneur Preston Butcher, launched the Homeless to Housed Initiative, which works to explore real estate solutions to the growing crisis impacting communities everywhere.

This case study was originally published in the foundational Homeless to Housed research report Homeless to Housed: The ULI Perspective. To see more case studies like this one, check out the full report.

Interested in ULI's work on addressing homelessness? In 2022, the Terwilliger Center for Housing, with initial funding by philanthropist and entrepreneur Preston Butcher, launched the Homeless to Housed Initiative, which works to explore real estate solutions to the growing crisis impacting communities everywhere. Learn more about the ULI Homeless to Housed Initiative.


ケーススタディの要約:LifeMoves Mountain View is a Project Homekey supportive interim housing community that offers a private unit for each household (a family, a couple, or a single adult) experiencing homelessness–while providing intensive case management and support services designed to return people to stability. 100 units and ADA-compliant buildings serve approximately 124 people--10X the number of year-round shelter beds previously available in Mountain View. This housing community was designed using the team's LifeMoves | Mountain View model: a modular housing solution intended to be able to rapidly prototype, scale, and implement based on the housing needs of the local community.

Four different design/build firms manufactured four distinct building types for the site. The LifeMoves Mountain View project brought together a diverse mix of funding partners and construction partners to support the development and opening of a state-of-the-art modular housing community that is near public transit and integrated into the Mountain View community—providing a key asset in the transition from homelessness to housed for residents and the greater community. Interested in ULI's work on addressing homelessness? In 2022, the Terwilliger Center for Housing, with initial funding by philanthropist and entrepreneur Preston Butcher, launched the Homeless to Housed Initiative, which works to explore real estate solutions to the growing crisis impacting communities everywhere.

This case study was originally published in the foundational Homeless to Housed research report Homeless to Housed: The ULI Perspective. To see more case studies like this one, check out the full report.

Interested in ULI's work on addressing homelessness? In 2022, the Terwilliger Center for Housing, with initial funding by philanthropist and entrepreneur Preston Butcher, launched the Homeless to Housed Initiative, which works to explore real estate solutions to the growing crisis impacting communities everywhere. Learn more about the ULI Homeless to Housed Initiative.



  • 混合住宅


大都市圏: サンフランシスコ
場所のタイプ: 郊外のビジネス地区
サイトサイズ: 100 Units
プロジェクトの種類: 混合住宅

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