Everett, Washington, アメリカ アメリカ
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Hopeworks Station North: Housing Hope

HopeWorks Station North is an affordable multifamily housing, workforce development, and job training center located in the Everett Station District of Everett, Washington, a city 30 miles north of Seattle. This development is unique not only because it combines supportive housing just blocks from a regional transportation hub, but also because it is net zero energy-ready. The development is owned by HopeWorks, a local nonprofit job training program, and Housing Hope, a regional nonprofit that provides affordable housing and tailored services to reduce homelessness and poverty in Snohomish County. HopeWorks Station North provides comprehensive housing and social and job reentry services for low-income, unhoused, and veteran populations. Located in a low-density area of Everett, the HopeWorks Station North site was adjacent to strip malls and manufacturing warehouses when designed and planned, and this multifamily housing and mixed-use development’s construction helped to increase density and walkability to the Everett Station. As part of the planning and design process, HopeWorks worked with the Everett Station District Alliance to make the neighborhood more accessible to pedestrians and bicyclists. HopeWorks anticipated the mobility needs of residents by locating amenities that encourage and support bicycle and pedestrian activity, including accessible sidewalks and bicycle parking and repair facilities.

Interested in ULI's work on addressing homelessness? In 2022, the Terwilliger Center for Housing, with initial funding by philanthropist and entrepreneur Preston Butcher, launched the Homeless to Housed Initiative, which works to explore real estate solutions to the growing crisis impacting communities everywhere. Learn more about the ULI Homeless to Housed Initiative.

ケーススタディの要約:HopeWorks Station North is an affordable multifamily housing, workforce development, and job training center located in the Everett Station District of Everett, Washington, a city 30 miles north of Seattle. This development is unique not only because it combines supportive housing just blocks from a regional transportation hub, but also because it is net zero energy-ready. The development is owned by HopeWorks, a local nonprofit job training program, and Housing Hope, a regional nonprofit that provides affordable housing and tailored services to reduce homelessness and poverty in Snohomish County. HopeWorks Station North provides comprehensive housing and social and job reentry services for low-income, unhoused, and veteran populations. Located in a low-density area of Everett, the HopeWorks Station North site was adjacent to strip malls and manufacturing warehouses when designed and planned, and this multifamily housing and mixed-use development’s construction helped to increase density and walkability to the Everett Station. As part of the planning and design process, HopeWorks worked with the Everett Station District Alliance to make the neighborhood more accessible to pedestrians and bicyclists. HopeWorks anticipated the mobility needs of residents by locating amenities that encourage and support bicycle and pedestrian activity, including accessible sidewalks and bicycle parking and repair facilities.

Interested in ULI's work on addressing homelessness? In 2022, the Terwilliger Center for Housing, with initial funding by philanthropist and entrepreneur Preston Butcher, launched the Homeless to Housed Initiative, which works to explore real estate solutions to the growing crisis impacting communities everywhere. Learn more about the ULI Homeless to Housed Initiative.


  • 混合住宅


  • Supportive housing
  • 集合住宅
大都市圏: シアトル
場所のタイプ: 郊外
サイトサイズ: 0.59 エーカー / 0.24 ヘクタール
プロジェクトの種類: 混合住宅




2023-2024 ULIホームレス・トゥ・ハウスド・アニュアル・報告書:不動産ソリューションの探索は、ULIのホームレス・トゥ・ハウスド(H2H)イニシアチブのフェーズ1で完了した作業を特集しています。この報告書は、ホームレスから住宅へが米国における住宅とホームレスの危機に対処するための継続的な取り組みを導くために学んだ重要な教訓を探ります。

