Bronx, New York, アメリカ アメリカ
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Bowery Residents Committee: BRC

The Bowery Residents’ Committee (BRC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in New York City, created the HomeStretch Housing model in response to the city’s growing need for low-income affordable housing, particularly for people experiencing homelessness. Working with former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s HomeStretch program, BRC developed The Apartments at Landing Road and the Reaching New Heights Residence—the first housing units developed for this program and with this new model. The Landing Road project is a mixed-use building with a 200-bed homeless shelter and 135 units of permanent housing tailored for low-income individuals. Due to the site’s hilly topography and the local zoning regulations, the building’s architectural design incorporates the shelter on the building’s two lower levels, while the upper seven floors accommodate the permanent housing. The shelter encompasses 20-person dormitories equipped with en-suite bathrooms, laundry facilities, multiple circulation routes, and clear sight lines to ensure safety. Residents benefit from on-site social services offered through BRC’s Workforce Development program.

Interested in ULI's work on addressing homelessness? In 2022, the Terwilliger Center for Housing, with initial funding by philanthropist and entrepreneur Preston Butcher, launched the Homeless to Housed Initiative, which works to explore real estate solutions to the growing crisis impacting communities everywhere. Learn more about the ULI Homeless to Housed Initiative.

ケーススタディの要約:The Bowery Residents’ Committee (BRC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in New York City, created the HomeStretch Housing model in response to the city’s growing need for low-income affordable housing, particularly for people experiencing homelessness. Working with former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s HomeStretch program, BRC developed The Apartments at Landing Road and the Reaching New Heights Residence—the first housing units developed for this program and with this new model. The Landing Road project is a mixed-use building with a 200-bed homeless shelter and 135 units of permanent housing tailored for low-income individuals. Due to the site’s hilly topography and the local zoning regulations, the building’s architectural design incorporates the shelter on the building’s two lower levels, while the upper seven floors accommodate the permanent housing. The shelter encompasses 20-person dormitories equipped with en-suite bathrooms, laundry facilities, multiple circulation routes, and clear sight lines to ensure safety. Residents benefit from on-site social services offered through BRC’s Workforce Development program.

Interested in ULI's work on addressing homelessness? In 2022, the Terwilliger Center for Housing, with initial funding by philanthropist and entrepreneur Preston Butcher, launched the Homeless to Housed Initiative, which works to explore real estate solutions to the growing crisis impacting communities everywhere. Learn more about the ULI Homeless to Housed Initiative.


  • 混合住宅


  • 共同住宅
  • 恒久的な支援住宅
  • 混用
大都市圏: ニューヨーク
場所のタイプ: その他中心都市
サイトサイズ: 32,174 square feet
プロジェクトの種類: コミュニティ施設


2023-2024 ULIホームレス・トゥ・ハウスド・アニュアル・報告書:不動産ソリューションの探索は、ULIのホームレス・トゥ・ハウスド(H2H)イニシアチブのフェーズ1で完了した作業を特集しています。この報告書は、ホームレスから住宅へが米国における住宅とホームレスの危機に対処するための継続的な取り組みを導くために学んだ重要な教訓を探ります。



ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: The Village on Sage Street

Located in Reno, Nevada, The Village on Sage Street is a 216-unit dorm-style housing development for people who are working or on a low fixed income and unable to afford rent. The Village showcases the success of the private sector, service providers...