オースティン, TX, アメリカ アメリカ
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Transit-oriented communities create mixed-use neighborhoods centered around transit. They are purposefully designed to make it more convenient to take transit, walk, bike, or roll than to drive. This panel expanded on the traditional definition of transit-oriented development (TOD) to include a more targeted equitable lens to the production of housing outside of the city core. Many suburbs around the US are exploring a mix of land uses to encourage the inclusion of more dense housing as an essential component of current suburban retrofitting strategies. Equitable Transit Oriented Development (E-TOD) policies are playing an important role in creating more diverse and inclusive communities.

セッションの要約:Transit-oriented communities create mixed-use neighborhoods centered around transit. They are purposefully designed to make it more convenient to take transit, walk, bike, or roll than to drive. This panel expanded on the traditional definition of transit-oriented development (TOD) to include a more targeted equitable lens to the production of housing outside of the city core. Many suburbs around the US are exploring a mix of land uses to encourage the inclusion of more dense housing as an essential component of current suburban retrofitting strategies. Equitable Transit Oriented Development (E-TOD) policies are playing an important role in creating more diverse and inclusive communities.


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2024 Housing Opportunity Conference

The Housing Opportunity Conference convenes a mix of housing industry professionals including private and nonprofit real estate developers, public officials, urban and regional planners, housing advocates, architects, investors, and lenders with one ...

2024 Housing Opportunity Conference: Session Digest

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