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10 Principles for Enhancing Equitable Access to Parks distills and synthesizes key themes, lessons learned, and best practices from the recommendations of 14 Advisory Services panels and national study visits on parks and open spaces. Part One of this report discusses the 10 principles that came out of a September 2020 workshop with representatives from these technical assistance activities and other subject matter experts. These principles will serve as a resource for parks departments, developers, local officials, and anyone else seeking to improve equity in their park systems. Part Two features summaries of each of the panels and study visits, illustrating the many different park challenges, contexts, and recommendations that informed the 10 principles. Overcoming decades of inequitable policies and planning decisions may seem daunting, but cities are already starting to work on this within their parks systems. By sharing lessons from cities' steps toward more equitable park access, this report will help leaders across sectors work toward healthier communities.

レポートの概要:10 Principles for Enhancing Equitable Access to Parks distills and synthesizes key themes, lessons learned, and best practices from the recommendations of 14 Advisory Services panels and national study visits on parks and open spaces. Part One of this report discusses the 10 principles that came out of a September 2020 workshop with representatives from these technical assistance activities and other subject matter experts. These principles will serve as a resource for parks departments, developers, local officials, and anyone else seeking to improve equity in their park systems. Part Two features summaries of each of the panels and study visits, illustrating the many different park challenges, contexts, and recommendations that informed the 10 principles. Overcoming decades of inequitable policies and planning decisions may seem daunting, but cities are already starting to work on this within their parks systems. By sharing lessons from cities' steps toward more equitable park access, this report will help leaders across sectors work toward healthier communities.


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