グローバル 0:03:10
Induction cooktops are one way many real estate companies are advancing building electrification. Induction cooktops are faster, safer, and more efficient than gas stoves or other electric alternatives. Learn about how induction cooktops are the wave of the future of cooking, and how real estate is considering them for the future.

ビデオの要約:Induction cooktops are one way many real estate companies are advancing building electrification. Induction cooktops are faster, safer, and more efficient than gas stoves or other electric alternatives. Learn about how induction cooktops are the wave of the future of cooking, and how real estate is considering them for the future.


サンノゼ カリフォルニア州ビルの電化と再生可能エネルギー

サンノゼ市は、2018年に野心的なClimate Smart San José 計画を承認し、すでにいくつかの重要な計画マイルストーンを達成しています。これらの成果の中には、Clean Energy San José の立ち上げと、市内のすべての新しい建設物を天然ガスに依存するのではなく完全に電気にすることを要求する「リーチ コード」の採用があります。

Toronto, ON

Aging, purpose-built rental apartment buildings are the backbone of the rental stock in Canada and are home to hundreds of thousands of households with modest and low incomes. Over 500,000 Toronto residents live in approximately 1,000 towers that are...

ULI Net Zero Imperative – Accelerating Real Estate’s Journey to Zero

The ULI Net Zero Imperative is a growing, collaborative network of ULI District and National Councils, including ULI staff, local governments, real estate leaders, and community stakeholder groups focused on decarbonizing cities and real estate.