
A community benefits program is a tool to ensure that new growth and development contribute positively to the community’s quality of life in exchange for additional building height, floor area or density. The City of Boulder is currently investigating the potential for promoting the development of below-market-rate commercial space by allowing its developers to add a 4th or 5th story over the zoning district height limit (no taller than the city charter limit of 55 feet).

ULI Colorado hosted this virtual event to garner feedback on whether and how such a program could work before the City finalizes decisions about the program in early 2021.

ウェビナーの概要:A community benefits program is a tool to ensure that new growth and development contribute positively to the community’s quality of life in exchange for additional building height, floor area or density. The City of Boulder is currently investigating the potential for promoting the development of below-market-rate commercial space by allowing its developers to add a 4th or 5th story over the zoning district height limit (no taller than the city charter limit of 55 feet).

ULI Colorado hosted this virtual event to garner feedback on whether and how such a program could work before the City finalizes decisions about the program in early 2021.



沿岸部の災害はますます激しくなり、より頻繁に発生しており、米国だけでも1兆ドル以上の資産が危険にさらされています。Surge: コースタルレジリエンスと不動産は、レジリエンス戦略を土地利用と不動産に統合するためのベストプラクティス、リソース、ケーススタディを提供し、沿岸地域の繁栄を支援します。



Pairing Housing + Transportation to Uplift Communities Across San Antonio

With support from the Homeless to Housed initiative, ULI San Antonio and its partner, Local Initiative Support Corporation–San Antonio (LISC), embarked on a Homeless to Housed journey to enhance education around the range of housing types San Antonia...