
Homelessness in the U.S. is both a humanitarian and economic crisis. Building upon the new ULI publication 'Homeless to Housed,' panelists focus on replicable tools the development community can use in developing housing and programmatic spaces to support people experiencing homelessness. While the real estate community cannot solve homelessness alone, it can play a critical role as an active part of solutions to strengthen community health both economically and environmentally. Building transitional and affordable housing, helping influence policies and perspectives, creating meaningful, sustainable, and impactful partnerships, and realizing that being part of the solution is a win-win situation are just a few examples of how the real estate industry can play a role to help homelessness. 

The case studies in 'Homeless to Housed' are meant to be replicable tools to make positive change and help fulfill ULI’s mission: shaping the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide. ULI is grateful to the vision, foresight, support, and guidance of Preston Butcher. Without his initiation, ULI would not have undertaken this important effort and started the conversation regarding the role of the real estate community in addressing homelessness.

ウェビナーの概要:Homelessness in the U.S. is both a humanitarian and economic crisis. Building upon the new ULI publication 'Homeless to Housed,' panelists focus on replicable tools the development community can use in developing housing and programmatic spaces to support people experiencing homelessness. While the real estate community cannot solve homelessness alone, it can play a critical role as an active part of solutions to strengthen community health both economically and environmentally. Building transitional and affordable housing, helping influence policies and perspectives, creating meaningful, sustainable, and impactful partnerships, and realizing that being part of the solution is a win-win situation are just a few examples of how the real estate industry can play a role to help homelessness. 

The case studies in 'Homeless to Housed' are meant to be replicable tools to make positive change and help fulfill ULI’s mission: shaping the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide. ULI is grateful to the vision, foresight, support, and guidance of Preston Butcher. Without his initiation, ULI would not have undertaken this important effort and started the conversation regarding the role of the real estate community in addressing homelessness.




ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: The Village on Sage Street

Located in Reno, Nevada, The Village on Sage Street is a 216-unit dorm-style housing development for people who are working or on a low fixed income and unable to afford rent. The Village showcases the success of the private sector, service providers...


Jazzie Collins Apartments(Apartments)は、サンフランシスコのホームレス状態から脱出しようとする大人のための恒久的な支援と手頃な価格の住宅開発です。このアパートメントは、プロジェクトエリアを商業ビルや地上駐車場から既存のシビックセンターホテルの多目的開発に変えるのに役立ち、ホテルの長期居住者に住宅の機会を創出しました。