アメリカ 1:11:42

Learn from cross-sector experts about opportunities related to updating zoning in communities across the United States.

The webinar:

  • Highlights connections among traditional zoning and land use challenges cities and towns are grappling with today
  • Makes the case for updating zoning policies to support health, social equity, climate action, and resilience—with a focus on aligning zoning with community priorities and real estate development objectives
  • Shares promising examples of zoning policy updates from across the United States

The webinar was co-hosted by Smart Growth America.

ウェビナーの概要:Learn from cross-sector experts about opportunities related to updating zoning in communities across the United States.

The webinar:

  • Highlights connections among traditional zoning and land use challenges cities and towns are grappling with today
  • Makes the case for updating zoning policies to support health, social equity, climate action, and resilience—with a focus on aligning zoning with community priorities and real estate development objectives
  • Shares promising examples of zoning policy updates from across the United States

The webinar was co-hosted by Smart Growth America.



Reshaping the Cityは、健康的なモビリティを促進し、住宅の手頃な価格をサポートし、より回復力のある場所を建設し、気候変動対策を加速するために作成された、米国全土からのゾーニングの更新に関する有望な洞察と例を共有しています。—他の多くの目標の中で。