奥斯汀, TX, 美国 美洲
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State and local governments have been pushing zoning reform, new funding, and other proposals to advance attainable housing production and preservation in their communities. Moderated by Michael Wilt, Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation, with panelists Jen Weaver, Vivid Development Company; Nicki Hellenkamp, City of Boise Planning & Development Services; Toccarra Nicole Thomas, Smart Growth America; and Nicole Nosek, Texans for Reasonable Solutions. Toccarra provided a national overview of policy changes, particularly drawing from her expertise in form-based codes. Nicki shared the zoning and policy changes Boise has undergone to tackle their housing challenges. Jen and Nicole discussed local policy advances in Austin and Texas, respectively, drawing on the city’s density bonuses, and the state’s expedited permit review process as examples. 

会议摘要:State and local governments have been pushing zoning reform, new funding, and other proposals to advance attainable housing production and preservation in their communities. Moderated by Michael Wilt, Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation, with panelists Jen Weaver, Vivid Development Company; Nicki Hellenkamp, City of Boise Planning & Development Services; Toccarra Nicole Thomas, Smart Growth America; and Nicole Nosek, Texans for Reasonable Solutions. Toccarra provided a national overview of policy changes, particularly drawing from her expertise in form-based codes. Nicki shared the zoning and policy changes Boise has undergone to tackle their housing challenges. Jen and Nicole discussed local policy advances in Austin and Texas, respectively, drawing on the city’s density bonuses, and the state’s expedited permit review process as examples. 


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