Maria Baier
Phoenix Suns
传:玛丽亚·拜尔(Maria Baier)在凤凰城出生和长大,一生中大部分时间都住在这里。她来自小企业背景,在过去十年中一直掌管家族企业。She has worked as the press secretary for the State Attorney General, was on the senior policy staff of the Arizona Governor's Office, was elected to, and served on, the Phoenix City Council and then was appointed Arizona's State Land Commissioner.她还曾在公共土地信托基金、索诺兰研究所和山谷合作组织工作。 Maria 是 SunCor Development Company 的可持续发展顾问,并曾在多个董事会任职,包括城市土地学会、Arizona Justice Project、Arizona Chamber、Phoenix Chamber、市中心 Phoenix Inc.、Southwest Human Development、The Foundation for Blind Children 和 Arizona Sports and 旅游局。她拥有亚利桑那州立大学的学士学位和亚利桑那大学的法学博士学位。玛丽亚现在担任菲尼克斯太阳队公共事务高级副总裁。她有两个女儿,Liz 和 Christy。
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