Archana Vyas

Advisor, Development Systems & Services
Region of Peel
Having spent most of my time in metropolitan cities in India and Canada, I have had an opportunity to learn from, observe, and live among a society that values and respects differences and recognizes unique contributions and abilities of all people. I am an engineer and an urban planner by education with nearly two decades of experience in the municipal sector developing strategies and solutions to address housing affordability challenges. I have spent most of my career focusing on work that includes research and data analysis, telling stories through data visualization, engaging stakeholders in a meaningful way, and developing strategies that bring results. I am passionate about every aspect of affordable housing development with close attention to the policy landscape, the financing and economics of housing projects, and the role all players can play to come together and be part of the solution. As an urban planning professional and an advocate for affordable housing, I have delivered talks/presentations at various forums, e.g., World Economic Forum (2020), Canadian Urban Planners Conference (2022), Ontario Professional Planners Conference (2019), published articles on relevant topics (e.g., Plan Canada 2020) and stayed connected with events hosted by Urban Land Institute and Canadian Urban Institute. On personal note, spending time with my family, cooking and baking together, and going on short trips and making memories is what I cherish the most! 会员名录  Arrow

传:Having spent most of my time in metropolitan cities in India and Canada, I have had an opportunity to learn from, observe, and live among a society that values and respects differences and recognizes unique contributions and abilities of all people. I am an engineer and an urban planner by education with nearly two decades of experience in the municipal sector developing strategies and solutions to address housing affordability challenges. I have spent most of my career focusing on work that includes research and data analysis, telling stories through data visualization, engaging stakeholders in a meaningful way, and developing strategies that bring results. I am passionate about every aspect of affordable housing development with close attention to the policy landscape, the financing and economics of housing projects, and the role all players can play to come together and be part of the solution. As an urban planning professional and an advocate for affordable housing, I have delivered talks/presentations at various forums, e.g., World Economic Forum (2020), Canadian Urban Planners Conference (2022), Ontario Professional Planners Conference (2019), published articles on relevant topics (e.g., Plan Canada 2020) and stayed connected with events hosted by Urban Land Institute and Canadian Urban Institute. On personal note, spending time with my family, cooking and baking together, and going on short trips and making memories is what I cherish the most!

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