报告摘要:RMI 及其业主 Morgan Creek Ventures 希望通过进入 NZE 空间(效率的黄金标准)来突破极限并真正体现 RMI 的使命。本案例研究解释了他们如何遵循 TEOP 步骤在美国第一座多租户 NZE 建筑中实现高效空间。
ULI Austin December 2024 Breakfast: Emerging Trends in Real Estate
This ULI Austin breakfast will provide national insights from Joshua Parks, Partner at PwC and one of the report's co-authors, followed by a local panel providing thoughts about the report and perspectives on anticipated trends for Austin and the Gre...
ULI British Columbia: Virtual Coffee & Conversations
Coffee and Conversations is ULI BC’s monthly early morning coffee speaker event held either virtually or in-person, where all real estate professionals can drop in to meet other like-minded colleagues and hear new thoughts and ideas surrounding rea...
Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Europe 2025
The Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Europe report by the Urban Land Institute and PwC, examines the challenges and opportunities facing the real estate industry in Europe and highlights a series of trends that will shape the landscape of the industry...