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Within ULI ambition as an Institute of research and knowledge, to lead the search for solutions to the great challenges of our communities in the built world, ULI Spain has created the ULI Spain Living Rental Group. Its first objective is to publish accurate and valuable information about the rental housing sub-sector in Spain. With it, ULI Spain wants to contribute to generate an in-depth debate, based on objective data and contrasted facts. We offer these data as a basis for the collaboration of public administrations, the private sector and the academia, to solve the great current challenges for access to housing. The ULI Spain Living Rental Report analysing 3 main axes: Supply Demand, and Payment Capacity.

报告摘要:Within ULI ambition as an Institute of research and knowledge, to lead the search for solutions to the great challenges of our communities in the built world, ULI Spain has created the ULI Spain Living Rental Group. Its first objective is to publish accurate and valuable information about the rental housing sub-sector in Spain. With it, ULI Spain wants to contribute to generate an in-depth debate, based on objective data and contrasted facts. We offer these data as a basis for the collaboration of public administrations, the private sector and the academia, to solve the great current challenges for access to housing. The ULI Spain Living Rental Report analysing 3 main axes: Supply Demand, and Payment Capacity.


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