与大市中心计划的作者汤姆·马勒(Thom Mahler)一起,我们将研究该战略;讨论投资的去向,确定资源或承诺方面的差距,并探索项目和投资的生态系统方法,为重塑卡尔加里铺平道路’s 市中心

网络研讨会摘要:与大市中心计划的作者汤姆·马勒(Thom Mahler)一起,我们将研究该战略;讨论投资的去向,确定资源或承诺方面的差距,并探索项目和投资的生态系统方法,为重塑卡尔加里铺平道路’s 市中心


ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: The Melody

The Melody in Atlanta, Georgia, is a groundbreaking rapid housing project that comprises 40 studio apartments repurposed from 20 shipping containers. The micro-units include a bedroom and kitchenette and are designed with the mental well-being of res...

ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: John Parvensky Stout Street Recuperative Care Center and Renaissance Legacy Lofts

Located in Denver, Colorado, the John Parvensky Stout Street Recuperative Care Center and Renaissance Legacy Lofts is a mixed-use facility providing affordable housing and comprehensive services to people experiencing homelessness. The Center offers ...

Chubbuck Idaho: Gateways to Growth

ULI Idaho's Gateways to Growth report offers a comprehensive vision for Chubbuck, Idaho, to establish a dynamic downtown core that reflects its unique identity and growth potential. It emphasizes important steps such as branding, infrastructure upgra...