欧洲 0:59:49
How can young professionals navigate the current market uncertainties and emerge stronger? What innovative approaches are emerging to address the shifting dynamics of real estate investment in an increasingly digital world? In this engaging panel discussion presented by ULI, featuring a diverse group of Young Leaders and industry experts, we delve into the latest insights from Emerging Trends in Real Estate ®: Global Outlook 2024, a collaboration between ULI and PwC. Explore the global challenges and opportunities in real estate, focusing on innovative investment strategies tailored to today's rapidly evolving landscape, with a particular emphasis on meeting occupier demands.

网络研讨会摘要:How can young professionals navigate the current market uncertainties and emerge stronger? What innovative approaches are emerging to address the shifting dynamics of real estate investment in an increasingly digital world? In this engaging panel discussion presented by ULI, featuring a diverse group of Young Leaders and industry experts, we delve into the latest insights from Emerging Trends in Real Estate ®: Global Outlook 2024, a collaboration between ULI and PwC. Explore the global challenges and opportunities in real estate, focusing on innovative investment strategies tailored to today's rapidly evolving landscape, with a particular emphasis on meeting occupier demands.


Global Emerging Trends in Real Estate (EMEA & APAC)

Webinar hosted by ULI for members and non-members based in Europe and US regions to formally launch the Emerging Trends in Real Estate Global Report.

新兴趋势 in Real Estate® Asia Pacific 2024

Real Estate® Asia Pacific 中的新兴趋势 是塑造来年房地产格局的年度趋势和见解系列。普华永道和城市土地学会发布的这份预测出版物反映了基于对房地产行业最有影响力的领导者的个人采访和调查的观点。

新兴趋势 in Real Estate® 美国和加拿大 2024

随着变革之风继续重塑商业地产的格局,我们显然正在进入一个新时代——“大重置”。大流行后的世界将继续存在,我们的行业面临着深刻的转变,不仅在办公空间方面,而且在整个房地产领域。“长期更高”的挑战迫在眉睫,引发了人们对投资策略未来的疑问。 由于通胀预期不断变化,美联储的路径也不确定,未来的道路充满不确定性。我们必须考虑的问题是:在商业房地产的新时代,我们如何驾驭这种不断变化的形势,重新定义我们的战略,并防止潜在的房地产价值损失?