Americas 1:07:24
Webinar Summary:
The Net Zero Exchange is a regularly scheduled series of meetings to facilitate conversations and dialogues between ULI members, District Council staff, other global experts, and HQ staff. This is intended to help promote the most innovative and/or effective best practices for Net Zero. Meetings serve as an opportunity to share and exchange ideas with a presentation on a Net Zero topic, project/program updates from District Councils, and a conversation between attendees. The exchange is intended to foster better ULI collaboration, program and research ideas, funding opportunities, and help facilitate the right types of Net Zero investment. The first exchange featured a presentation from Becca Timms, Director of ESG at Jamestown LP, followed by a discussion among attendees.

Webinar Summary: The Net Zero Exchange is a regularly scheduled series of meetings to facilitate conversations and dialogues between ULI members, District Council staff, other global experts, and HQ staff. This is intended to help promote the most innovative and/or effective best practices for Net Zero. Meetings serve as an opportunity to share and exchange ideas with a presentation on a Net Zero topic, project/program updates from District Councils, and a conversation between attendees. The exchange is intended to foster better ULI collaboration, program and research ideas, funding opportunities, and help facilitate the right types of Net Zero investment. The first exchange featured a presentation from Becca Timms, Director of ESG at Jamestown LP, followed by a discussion among attendees.

Event Session

From Competitiveness to Well-Being: Changing Priorities for Cities?

This panel will explore the challenges and opportunities cities face with a focus on the U.S./North American context from a variety of different perspectives—economic, social, and governance. Many cities are incredibly desirable and expensive places ...
Event Session

Developing 'Missing Middle' Housing: Opportunities, Challenges, and Creative Financing Tools

This session will cover the opportunities and challenges in developing mixed- or middle-income, infill multifamily development—often referred to as "missing middle" housing. Using real development case studies presented by three developers, the panel...
Event Session

Equity by Design: Preserving Homeownership with Equitable Redevelopment and Purposeful Placemaking

In response to the pandemic and the global push for racial justice, the Freedom West team and future development is prioritizing equity in the built environment. This panel explores an "Equity by Design" framework to design and development, uncoverin...