Publié : Amériques
Résumé du livre :
Ideal for those new to development, the fourth edition of Professional Real Estate Development has been thoroughly updated to explain the latest on how to develop land and multifamily, office, industrial, and retail projects. Focusing on small-scale development, the authors provide practical information on feasibility analysis, design and construction, financing, marketing, and management. Tips and advice from more than 200 industry leaders help you learn the ropes and avoid mistakes. Photos, diagrams, spreadsheets, and case studies provide examples of actual projects and how the process works. Information is specific and detailed, with costs, rents, and financing information included by product type.

Résumé du livre : Ideal for those new to development, the fourth edition of Professional Real Estate Development has been thoroughly updated to explain the latest on how to develop land and multifamily, office, industrial, and retail projects. Focusing on small-scale development, the authors provide practical information on feasibility analysis, design and construction, financing, marketing, and management. Tips and advice from more than 200 industry leaders help you learn the ropes and avoid mistakes. Photos, diagrams, spreadsheets, and case studies provide examples of actual projects and how the process works. Information is specific and detailed, with costs, rents, and financing information included by product type.

Format : Paperback/e-book
Pages : 404
ISBN : 9780874204773
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