是什么让一个公园质量高而另一个公园令人失望?在全国范围内,城市以及公园和娱乐部门都在寻求阐明什么“高质量”意味着,特别是因为它与“步行 10 分钟”运动的目标有关,即确保所有人都生活在距离高质量公园或绿地步行 10 分钟之内的地方。本报告基于对来自全国各地的公园专业人士和其他专家的采访,提出了一个公园质量框架,可以帮助所有公园开发商和管理人员系统地评估每个公园和整个系统的质量,以进行投资并解决长期存在的访问差异问题。高质量的公园。一系列关键问题可帮助公园专业人士确保他们的公园状况良好,可供所有潜在用户使用,为公园用户提供积极的体验,与他们所服务的社区相关,并灵活适应不断变化的环境。

From Competitiveness to Well-Being: Changing Priorities for Cities?

This panel will explore the challenges and opportunities cities face with a focus on the U.S./North American context from a variety of different perspectives—economic, social, and governance. Many cities are incredibly desirable and expensive places ...

Developing 'Missing Middle' Housing: Opportunities, Challenges, and Creative Financing Tools

This session will cover the opportunities and challenges in developing mixed- or middle-income, infill multifamily development—often referred to as "missing middle" housing. Using real development case studies presented by three developers, the panel...

Equity by Design: Preserving Homeownership with Equitable Redevelopment and Purposeful Placemaking

In response to the pandemic and the global push for racial justice, the Freedom West team and future development is prioritizing equity in the built environment. This panel explores an "Equity by Design" framework to design and development, uncoverin...