Craig Race

All of my endeavours merge design, sustainability, and infill development in an attempt to span each corner of the triple bottom line. Lanescape was co-founded by myself and two other partners with the purpose of creating and implementing an as-of-right zoning policy for laneway housing in Toronto. After the Changing Lanes policy was enacted in 2018, Lanescape transitioned into a design-build company, and has expanded its advocacy efforts into alternative types of missing middle densification policies and practices. My work through Lanescape is levelling the playing field for owner-built housing, and helps me feel like I am making our city a slightly better place. Craig Race Architecture is my design practice. We specialize in residential work with a focus on; unique approvals for urban infill conditions, passive sustainability, and adventurous contemporary design. My firm is a testing ground for innovative architecture that delights, but also contributes to solving climate change and promoting healthy indoor environments. My eponymous practice provides an outlet for creativity and ecological benevolence, and helps me feel like I am making our world a slightly better place. I also undertake small-scale residential development projects through a private company. The confluence of expertise and experience I have built through my other companies enables me and my investors to realizes significant density gains on infill properties in Toronto. My development work balances the sensitivities of a neighbourhood with the needs of a financial proforma, and helps me provide for my family. Mitgliederverzeichnis  Arrow

Biographie: All of my endeavours merge design, sustainability, and infill development in an attempt to span each corner of the triple bottom line. Lanescape was co-founded by myself and two other partners with the purpose of creating and implementing an as-of-right zoning policy for laneway housing in Toronto. After the Changing Lanes policy was enacted in 2018, Lanescape transitioned into a design-build company, and has expanded its advocacy efforts into alternative types of missing middle densification policies and practices. My work through Lanescape is levelling the playing field for owner-built housing, and helps me feel like I am making our city a slightly better place. Craig Race Architecture is my design practice. We specialize in residential work with a focus on; unique approvals for urban infill conditions, passive sustainability, and adventurous contemporary design. My firm is a testing ground for innovative architecture that delights, but also contributes to solving climate change and promoting healthy indoor environments. My eponymous practice provides an outlet for creativity and ecological benevolence, and helps me feel like I am making our world a slightly better place. I also undertake small-scale residential development projects through a private company. The confluence of expertise and experience I have built through my other companies enables me and my investors to realizes significant density gains on infill properties in Toronto. My development work balances the sensitivities of a neighbourhood with the needs of a financial proforma, and helps me provide for my family.

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