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Emerging Trends in Real Estate® United States and Canada 2025
Zusammenfassung des Berichts: : Now in its 46th edition, the 2025 Emerging Trends in Real Estate® report outlines new market dynamics, favored locations and property sector opportunities influencing the overall health of the industry. The skies are finally clearing over commercial real estate markets, even if some dark clouds still linger. Industry people are more sanguine than a year ago, though also realistic. Better times are ahead, but the healing will take time.
Zusammenfassung des Berichts: Now in its 46th edition, the 2025 Emerging Trends in Real Estate® report outlines new market dynamics, favored locations and property sector opportunities influencing the overall health of the industry. The skies are finally clearing over commercial real estate markets, even if some dark clouds still linger. Industry people are more sanguine than a year ago, though also realistic. Better times are ahead, but the healing will take time.
Property Type Outlook
Stability has returned to property markets, and investors are now addressing cyclical issues like oversupply and adapting to changing consumer and tenant preferences. One exception is the rise in demand for data centers which is soaring due to the widespread growth of artificial intelligence, while other niche property types are also seeing strong growth.
Learn more about the 5 Emerging Property Trends that we expect for 2025 and beyond:
- Industrial Smart Growth: The next stage of tactical network optimization
- Data Centers: Navigating power and constraints and skyrocketing demand
- Senior Housing: Building new muscles
- Retail Resilience: Weathering every storm
- Innovating the Suburbs: Is Life Sciences’ growth sustainable?
Markets to Watch
Geographic preferences are changing even if many of the broad trends have continued from recent years. Sun Belt markets still rule the rankings, particularly the largest Super Sun Belt metro areas, but some formerly high-flying smaller Magnet markets are losing altitude. Meanwhile, many Snow Belt markets are getting another look from investors and are climbing the rankings. Still, the overall market outlook remains tepid. Explore in-depth case studies on the top 5 markets, Dallas, Miami, Houston, Tampa/St. Petersburg, and Nashville, as well as thinks year’s movers and shakers, Manhattan, Detroit, Columbus, Charleston, and New Orleans.
Über Aufkommende Trends in Real Estate®
Aufkommende Trends in Real Estate® ist einer der angesehensten jährlichen Branchenausblicke für die Immobilien- und Landnutzungsbranche, der gemeinsam von PwC und dem Stadt-Land-Institut veröffentlicht wird. Unter Einbeziehung von Interviews und Umfragen mit mehreren hundert Branchenexperten bietet der Bericht einen detaillierten Ausblick nach Regionen auf Immobilieninvestitionen, Entwicklungstrends und Kapitalmärkte. Der Bericht wird in vier Versionen erstellt: Amerika, Asien-Pazifik, Europa und Global. Alle Aufkommende Trends in Real Estate® Berichte, die seit 2003 veröffentlicht wurden, sind im Knowledge Finder verfügbar.
Aufkommende Trends in Real Estate® wird gemeinsam von der Stadt-Land-Institut und PwC gesponsert. Seit 2003 erstellen die Stadt-Land-Institut und PwC gemeinsam einen der umfassendsten Branchenreports zum Thema Immobilien und Landnutzung. PwC ist ein globales Netzwerk von Unternehmen in 158 Ländern mit mehr als 236.000 Mitarbeitern, die sich der Qualität von Prüfungs-, Beratungs- und Steuerdienstleistungen verschrieben haben. Mehr über PwC erfahren Sie unter pwc.com.