On-Demand Event
Course Summary:

Modeling investment waterfalls is the most complex task in developing a pro forma, but it doesn’t need to intimidate you. In this course, you will develop the skills to be able to produce your own investment waterfall pro forma.

This course takes you from the point of being capable of modeling a basic development or investment pro forma, to being able to model investment waterfalls in the context of advanced analytics and sensitivities testing. Develop and hone your analytical skills while learning to model investment pro formas involving multiple investors with different stakes and deals.

Course Summary:Modeling investment waterfalls is the most complex task in developing a pro forma, but it doesn’t need to intimidate you. In this course, you will develop the skills to be able to produce your own investment waterfall pro forma.

This course takes you from the point of being capable of modeling a basic development or investment pro forma, to being able to model investment waterfalls in the context of advanced analytics and sensitivities testing. Develop and hone your analytical skills while learning to model investment pro formas involving multiple investors with different stakes and deals.


On-Demand Course

Experience Level


Event Session

The EDC Presents: 2024: An Entertainment Development Odyssey: How Innovation Drives ROI

Rather than replicating tried, but tired, concepts, hear from industry leaders who embrace innovative strategies, technologies, and concepts to deliver unique, meaningful entertainment experiences across generations from boomers to gen Z. Moreover, t...
Reading List

2023 Spring Issue of Urban Land

The Spring 2023 issue of Urban Land is now available for ULI members. The cover topic is "Urban Suburbs: Innovative strategies to solve the global housing shortage."
Reading List

2023 Winter Issue of Urban Land

The 2022 Winter issue of Urban Land is now available for ULI members. The cover topic is "Exacting Standards: Outlook for property and development in 2023 ." Other topics include "Best Practices: Global Awards for Excellence," "Fall Meeting: Dallas D...
Finance & Investment Development

Pro Forma II: Investment Waterfalls
