Agnes Artemel
Biography: Agnes Artemel President Artemel & Associates, Inc. Alexandria, VA Ms. Artemel has more than 30 years of experience in market and economic analysis, project feasibility studies, economic development, and placemaking. She has conducted studies in the housing, office, hotel, retail, and industrial sectors, as well as mixed-use and special focus projects at locations throughout the United States. She specializes in setting up partnerships to bring the resources of both public and private sectors to bear on solving urban issues, and particularly on revitalizing older urban neighborhoods. For the public sector, Ms. Artemel forecasts the economic impact of proposed small area and master plan changes, and prepares strategic plans for economic development and tourism development. For the private sector, she has assisted developers and landowners in obtaining the highest value for raw land and buildable lots, analyzed land carrying capacity, zoning and regulatory obstacles, determined the market potential of proposed new projects, and assisted with processing real estate development projects through the municipal approval processes. She also works with developers on site analysis and promoting new projects to various stakeholder groups. She has extensive experience in community relations and with building community support for a new project. She has formed a number of grass roots advocacy groups in support of economic development objectives and is currently President of the Old Town North Alliance in Alexandria VA, focusing on coaxing an Arts District and mixed use community to emerge from a former industrial area. Recent projects have included determining highest and best use for a property in historic St. Mary's County MD; analyzing the future prospects for tourism development in Alexandria VA in the face of emerging competition from a large mixed-use hospitality and tourism project in another jurisdiction; conducting visitor forecasts f
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