Nikki Beasley
Biography: Nikki A. Beasley is the Executive Director of Richmond Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. She joined the organization in 2016 after retiring from a 25 year career in banking and financial services. Under her leadership, RNHS has doubled its property management rental portfolio for low-to-moderate income families through multifamily acquisition, established the organization’s Changing the Narrative of Homeownership Initiative, started the Lender Ready program in 2017 assisting over 100 new first time homebuyer‘s secure ownership, established RNHS Money Matters Series, and became small-site infill developers in 2018. RNHS has also become a staple in the housing conversation throughout the Bay Area and region advocating for tenant and landlord rights, consumer affairs, fair housing, and through working with municipality to address zoning and creating equable programs for its residents. The organization’s mission and focus to lift up homeownership as a tool to addressing housing needs was realized as RNHS launched its Filbert Promise Homeownership project in 2018. This acquisition started the organization’s conversation and advocacy around uncoupling race and income related to the lack of production of homeownership projects targeting 80- 120 % AMI (aka Missing Middle, Workforce Housing) and related the wealth gap and disparity in communities of color. This development project has sparked a new initiative that Nikki launched in 2020, the Emerging Developers program, which assists Black developers and addresses the barriers new developers face in securing projects.
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