Richard Bruckner

Senior Advisor
Adept Development
Retired former director of planning, Los Angeles County. 40 years of public sector experience including redevelopment, planning and economic development in the cities of Anaheim, Pasadena. And Los Angeles Currently with Mayer Brown LLP in Los Angeles, president of RB Plans, Inc. and strategic advisor to Adept Development in Pasadena Education The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, Master's Degree In City and Regional Planning Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York-Bachelor of Arts Degree, Urban Planning Commission, City of Arcadia (1996-2001) Urban Land Institute Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: Retired former director of planning, Los Angeles County. 40 years of public sector experience including redevelopment, planning and economic development in the cities of Anaheim, Pasadena. And Los Angeles Currently with Mayer Brown LLP in Los Angeles, president of RB Plans, Inc. and strategic advisor to Adept Development in Pasadena Education The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, Master's Degree In City and Regional Planning Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York-Bachelor of Arts Degree, Urban Planning Commission, City of Arcadia (1996-2001) Urban Land Institute

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