Peter Crowley

June 2004 Peter Crowley, RLA Peter R. Crowley, is partner and president of LandDesign, founded thirty years ago to create memorable exterior experiences through its urban design, land planning, civil engineering, landscape architecture and branding services. Peter joined the firm in 1979 and has used his planning skills to craft a wide variety of compelling projects involving urban infill, brownfield development, mixed-use and new urban communities. He actively advocates aligning client needs with market conditions, bringing stakeholders together, embracing and sustaining the environment, and differentiating a place to engage the user. Over the last five years, Peter has emphasized these approaches as he led the firm into establishing an office in Beijing, China and completing several large-scale projects, including planning the new district of Baotou, Inner Mongolia, projected to house a population of 600,000 and development of a 73-million square foot software park west of Shanghai. He also continues to focus in the United States on transit-oriented development, town center design and innovative master-planned communities. A graduate of the University of Georgia's School of Environmental Design, Peter is a member of the Urban Land Institute, American Society of Landscape Architects, and American Planning Association. From the Washington, DC office that he established in 1983, Peter coordinates with multidisciplinary teams operating in LandDesign's six U.S. offices and the Beijing office, with the stated objective of creating a balance between market forces and design aspirations. Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: June 2004 Peter Crowley, RLA Peter R. Crowley, is partner and president of LandDesign, founded thirty years ago to create memorable exterior experiences through its urban design, land planning, civil engineering, landscape architecture and branding services. Peter joined the firm in 1979 and has used his planning skills to craft a wide variety of compelling projects involving urban infill, brownfield development, mixed-use and new urban communities. He actively advocates aligning client needs with market conditions, bringing stakeholders together, embracing and sustaining the environment, and differentiating a place to engage the user. Over the last five years, Peter has emphasized these approaches as he led the firm into establishing an office in Beijing, China and completing several large-scale projects, including planning the new district of Baotou, Inner Mongolia, projected to house a population of 600,000 and development of a 73-million square foot software park west of Shanghai. He also continues to focus in the United States on transit-oriented development, town center design and innovative master-planned communities. A graduate of the University of Georgia's School of Environmental Design, Peter is a member of the Urban Land Institute, American Society of Landscape Architects, and American Planning Association. From the Washington, DC office that he established in 1983, Peter coordinates with multidisciplinary teams operating in LandDesign's six U.S. offices and the Beijing office, with the stated objective of creating a balance between market forces and design aspirations.

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