Joseph Davis

Community Planning Solutions, Inc.
Joseph Davis President Community Planning Solutions, Inc. Silver Spring, Maryland In 2007, Joe Davis established his own planning consulting firm known as "Community Planning Solutions, Inc." His practice is devoted to advising both public and private sector clients on planning, zoning and development related issues and their solutions. Mr. Davis has extensive expertise in the areas of public policy formulation and implementation. In his 35 year career, he gained extensive project review experience where he specialized in resolving complex issues affecting land development. He has designed and implemented creative solutions to complicated public policy issues including development of legislation to improve public procedures; provided leadership in managing complex development review processes; promoted creative ways to improve public plan review and administrative procedures; and encouraged public/private partnerships to achieve better community development. In May of 2007, Mr. Davis ended his public career after serving for over three years as the Director of Redevelopment for Montgomery County, Maryland where he led the County's efforts to revitalize and redevelop downtown Wheaton. He was instrumental working with residents, property owners, developers and other community stakeholders in the planning and development process for new infill projects. Mr. Davis also led the implementation of an ongoing capital improvements program to improve building facades and streetscape within the downtown. He initiated a major economic development program working with the existing small business community to help them to adapt to changing conditions in the downtown area. Assistance involved coordinating the efforts of several public agencies at the state and local levels, Montgomery College and non-profits in providing business training programs, business counseling, financial assistance and marketing of the downtown area. In 2006, downtown Wheaton's application requesting designation as an Arts & Entertainment District was approved by the State of Maryland. This designation assures tax credits and other financial incentives for new and existing businesses that provide arts & entertainment opportunities. Mr. Davis also led the effort to amend the Wheaton Retail Preservation Overlay Zone to encourage larger scale, transit-oriented development near the Wheaton Transit Station. The legislation also encourages the set-aside of small business space at the street level to help retain the street level commercial character that exists in Wheaton. Prior to his service as a senior manager for Montgomery County government, Mr. Davis was the Chief of the Development Review Division of the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission's (MNCPPC) Montgomery County Department of Planning. Mr. Davis managed the County's subdivision and site plan approval programs, led the zoning legislation program and directed the Department's inspections and plan enforcement responsibilities. He retired from MNCPPC, in early 2004, after a 32 year career with increasing responsibilities as an urban planner, program manager and administrator. Mr. Davis is an active member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and has served on the Executive Committee of ULI's Washington District Council since 2002. He has served on several ULI Technical Assistance Panels (TAP) and participates in the ULI's ongoing "UrbanPlan" educational program for local college and high school students. He has been a guest lecturer at the University Of Pennsylvania's School of Design and the University of Maryland's graduate program in urban planning discussing regulatory planning, growth management and urban redevelopment topics. Mr. Davis earned a Master of Arts Degree in Public Administration from the University of Northern Colorado and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science and Geography from Florida State University. In 2001, Mr. Davis completed the Smart Growth Leadership Program of the Maryland School of Public Affairs at the University of Maryland May 2008 Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: Joseph Davis President Community Planning Solutions, Inc. Silver Spring, Maryland In 2007, Joe Davis established his own planning consulting firm known as "Community Planning Solutions, Inc." His practice is devoted to advising both public and private sector clients on planning, zoning and development related issues and their solutions. Mr. Davis has extensive expertise in the areas of public policy formulation and implementation. In his 35 year career, he gained extensive project review experience where he specialized in resolving complex issues affecting land development. He has designed and implemented creative solutions to complicated public policy issues including development of legislation to improve public procedures; provided leadership in managing complex development review processes; promoted creative ways to improve public plan review and administrative procedures; and encouraged public/private partnerships to achieve better community development. In May of 2007, Mr. Davis ended his public career after serving for over three years as the Director of Redevelopment for Montgomery County, Maryland where he led the County's efforts to revitalize and redevelop downtown Wheaton. He was instrumental working with residents, property owners, developers and other community stakeholders in the planning and development process for new infill projects. Mr. Davis also led the implementation of an ongoing capital improvements program to improve building facades and streetscape within the downtown. He initiated a major economic development program working with the existing small business community to help them to adapt to changing conditions in the downtown area. Assistance involved coordinating the efforts of several public agencies at the state and local levels, Montgomery College and non-profits in providing business training programs, business counseling, financial assistance and marketing of the downtown area. In 2006, downtown Wheaton's application requesting designation as an Arts & Entertainment District was approved by the State of Maryland. This designation assures tax credits and other financial incentives for new and existing businesses that provide arts & entertainment opportunities. Mr. Davis also led the effort to amend the Wheaton Retail Preservation Overlay Zone to encourage larger scale, transit-oriented development near the Wheaton Transit Station. The legislation also encourages the set-aside of small business space at the street level to help retain the street level commercial character that exists in Wheaton. Prior to his service as a senior manager for Montgomery County government, Mr. Davis was the Chief of the Development Review Division of the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission's (MNCPPC) Montgomery County Department of Planning. Mr. Davis managed the County's subdivision and site plan approval programs, led the zoning legislation program and directed the Department's inspections and plan enforcement responsibilities. He retired from MNCPPC, in early 2004, after a 32 year career with increasing responsibilities as an urban planner, program manager and administrator. Mr. Davis is an active member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and has served on the Executive Committee of ULI's Washington District Council since 2002. He has served on several ULI Technical Assistance Panels (TAP) and participates in the ULI's ongoing "UrbanPlan" educational program for local college and high school students. He has been a guest lecturer at the University Of Pennsylvania's School of Design and the University of Maryland's graduate program in urban planning discussing regulatory planning, growth management and urban redevelopment topics. Mr. Davis earned a Master of Arts Degree in Public Administration from the University of Northern Colorado and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science and Geography from Florida State University. In 2001, Mr. Davis completed the Smart Growth Leadership Program of the Maryland School of Public Affairs at the University of Maryland May 2008

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