William Eager

TDA, Inc.
Eager is co-founder and president of TDA, Inc. He has more than thirty years of experience in the transportation field: as an educator in transportation engineering, in the research of commuter travel characteristics, and as a consultant on projects throughout the United States and abroad. Dr. Eacher is a member of the Advisory Council for the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and principal of International Tourism and Resort Advisors (INTRA). In the past, he has been chairman of the Transportation Committees of both the Downtown Seattle Association and the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. He is a trustee of the Urban Land Intitute and currently chairs the Steering Committee on Metropolitan Transportaion and Land Use. He allso serves as vice chairman of the Research Committee, and as an executive member of the Recreational Development Council. Dr. Eager is an experienced speaker skilled in presenting transportation and planning-related issues to elected officials, citizen groups and professional staffs. He holds a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder, a master of science degree in civil engineering (transportation) from the University of California, Berkeley, and a doctor of engineering (transportation) from the University of California, Berkeley. Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: Eager is co-founder and president of TDA, Inc. He has more than thirty years of experience in the transportation field: as an educator in transportation engineering, in the research of commuter travel characteristics, and as a consultant on projects throughout the United States and abroad. Dr. Eacher is a member of the Advisory Council for the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and principal of International Tourism and Resort Advisors (INTRA). In the past, he has been chairman of the Transportation Committees of both the Downtown Seattle Association and the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. He is a trustee of the Urban Land Intitute and currently chairs the Steering Committee on Metropolitan Transportaion and Land Use. He allso serves as vice chairman of the Research Committee, and as an executive member of the Recreational Development Council. Dr. Eager is an experienced speaker skilled in presenting transportation and planning-related issues to elected officials, citizen groups and professional staffs. He holds a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder, a master of science degree in civil engineering (transportation) from the University of California, Berkeley, and a doctor of engineering (transportation) from the University of California, Berkeley.

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