Winston Folkers

As president and owner of Folkers Associates, Folkers is a developer of real estate projects in commercial property and apartment buildings, with special focus on public/private ventures and syndication of limited partnerships. Prior to working in the private sector, Folkers was responsible for planning and development activities for the cities of Lansing, Michgan; Toledo, Ohio; and Cincinnati, Ohio. Folkers has spoken publicly and written several articles on real estate development programs. He is a member of the Urban Land Institute, the National Association of Real Estate Boards, Chamber of Commerce, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officals. Folkers holds a master of public administration degree from the University of Minnesota and a bachelor of arts in economics and political science from Hamline University. (4/95) Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: As president and owner of Folkers Associates, Folkers is a developer of real estate projects in commercial property and apartment buildings, with special focus on public/private ventures and syndication of limited partnerships. Prior to working in the private sector, Folkers was responsible for planning and development activities for the cities of Lansing, Michgan; Toledo, Ohio; and Cincinnati, Ohio. Folkers has spoken publicly and written several articles on real estate development programs. He is a member of the Urban Land Institute, the National Association of Real Estate Boards, Chamber of Commerce, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officals. Folkers holds a master of public administration degree from the University of Minnesota and a bachelor of arts in economics and political science from Hamline University. (4/95)

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