Marta Goldsmith

Marta Goldsmith has more than 30 years of experience—across the U.S. and abroad—in planning and zoning, housing affordability, nonprofit management, and equitable development. She has worked with leaders at all levels of government and in the private real estate development sector. Her expertise includes project management, research and writing, stakeholder engagement, teaching, presentations, and nonprofit leadership.From January of 2016 – June of 2022, Ms. Goldsmith served as the Executive Director of the Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI) where she led technical assistance assignments, developed and taught classes and webinars, and oversaw policy development and the FBCI Form-Based Code Award. In 2018, she successfully managed a merger between FBCI and Smart Growth America (SGA) where she continued in her role as FBCI director. Prior to joining Smart Growth America, Ms. Goldsmith was Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at LRG, Inc. a public affairs and nonprofit management firm. From 2011 to 2016, she held positions as Senior Adviser to the Commissioner of the U.S. Public Buildings Service at GSA and as Chief Operating Officer of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), a global NGO that advises cities on sustainable transport and transit-oriented development. Prior to her tenure at ITDP, Marta was on the global staff of the Urban Land Institute for more than 20 years, rising to the position of Senior Vice President and leading a wide range of programs, including land use policy research and publications, advisory services, community outreach, international programs, and development. Earlier in her career, Ms. Goldsmith served as Executive Director of the Southern Governors Association and as Special Assistant to the Governor of Florida, covering community and economic development, housing, and transportation issues in the Florida-Washington Office. Marta was awarded a W.K. Kellogg National Leadership Fellow Member Directory  Arrow

Biography: Marta Goldsmith has more than 30 years of experience—across the U.S. and abroad—in planning and zoning, housing affordability, nonprofit management, and equitable development. She has worked with leaders at all levels of government and in the private real estate development sector. Her expertise includes project management, research and writing, stakeholder engagement, teaching, presentations, and nonprofit leadership.From January of 2016 – June of 2022, Ms. Goldsmith served as the Executive Director of the Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI) where she led technical assistance assignments, developed and taught classes and webinars, and oversaw policy development and the FBCI Form-Based Code Award. In 2018, she successfully managed a merger between FBCI and Smart Growth America (SGA) where she continued in her role as FBCI director. Prior to joining Smart Growth America, Ms. Goldsmith was Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at LRG, Inc. a public affairs and nonprofit management firm. From 2011 to 2016, she held positions as Senior Adviser to the Commissioner of the U.S. Public Buildings Service at GSA and as Chief Operating Officer of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), a global NGO that advises cities on sustainable transport and transit-oriented development. Prior to her tenure at ITDP, Marta was on the global staff of the Urban Land Institute for more than 20 years, rising to the position of Senior Vice President and leading a wide range of programs, including land use policy research and publications, advisory services, community outreach, international programs, and development. Earlier in her career, Ms. Goldsmith served as Executive Director of the Southern Governors Association and as Special Assistant to the Governor of Florida, covering community and economic development, housing, and transportation issues in the Florida-Washington Office. Marta was awarded a W.K. Kellogg National Leadership Fellow

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