Philip Hart
Biography: Philip S. Hart, Ph.D. Founder and Managing Partner, BioMed Development Group, Los Angeles and Irvine, CA. During 2008-2009 Hart served as the first Managing Director of Member Diversity Initiatives for the Urban Land Institute (ULI) where he developed a business plan for that organization aimed at increasing its diversity. The implementation of this plan began in July 2009 with the launch of the ULI Colorado/City and County of Denver Real Estate Diversity Initiative (REDI). Hart also serves on the board of directors of Project REAP. Hart was Executive Director of the ULI Los Angeles District Council from 2006 to 2008 and was the first District Council to reach 2,000 members in 2006 under Hart's leadership. Hart has served as a construction manager with HNTB/Yang for the Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) $20 billion new school construction and modernization program. Hart served as project manager for the 5,000 seat, $60 million West Angeles Cathedral in South Los Angeles which was dedicated in April 2001. Hart was master developer for the 75-acre CrossTown Industrial Park in Roxbury, Massachusetts which has high technology, biotechnology, office, retail, industrial, textile manufacturing, public utility and hotel tenants. For over 25 years Hart was a Professor of Sociology and Director of the William Monroe Trotter Institute for the Study of Black Culture at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Hart served on the Urban Design Committee for the Los Angeles Metro Exposition Construction Authority Light Rail Line which runs from downtown Los Angeles to Santa Monica. He is a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Hollywood Central Park. Hart is on the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce economic development committee. Hart is an award winning author and filmmaker. His most recent general trade book is "African Americans and the Future of New Orleans." Hart has received numerous honors including, 1992 Notable
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